Sidney's Page

Sidney on the Harley


This is Sidney - we had him for almost 12 years, his life was shortened due to congestive heart failure. Not only was he was a wonderful friend and companion, he was my best riding buddy. He was the only one who would be happy to ride an Ironbutt (riding 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours) with me. Most dogs are afraid of the sound a Harley makes, not Sidney or Annie and Olivia for that matter. But Sidney would rather ride on the bike than in a four wheeled vehicle. When I would fire the bike up, he would howl if he wasn't on it. When I started the bike, he want to go too. When he died of congestive heart failure we got cards from our motorcycle friends all over the country. He loved to ride and had riding buddies everywhere.

We showed Sidney in obedience and agility, but we had to stop because the tended to be aggressive to other animals. He was attacked by a raccoon when he was 3 months old and never got over it. He seemed to think, if I eat their face they will leave me alone. He liked people, but only people.


Sidney out riding

Sidney out riding!

Sidney loved to ride and then visit people.

Sidney in a hurry

Sidney in a hurry!

Sidney anxious to get going!

Sidney in his riding jacket

Sidney's riding jacket!

Sidney checking things out.



In the picture below Sidney get his first "leg" toward his CD title. He was first place Novice B class under Judge Kate Pankin, who Judy trained with for years at Sportsman's Dog Training Club.

Sidney 1st place in obedience Novice B


In the picture below Sidney get his third "leg" and his CD title.

Sidney got his CD title